Moscow University Psychology Bulletin, 2020, 3, 336 p.
Part I. «Tough children» & deviant behavior
Theoretical studies
The risks of information socialization as a manifestation crisis of modern childhoodLomonosov Psychology Journal, p. 4-22
Deviant economic identity in childhood and adolescence: problem statementLomonosov Psychology Journal, p. 50-68
Empirical studies
Factors related to disrespectful attitude to parents in adolescentsLomonosov Psychology Journal, p. 69-87
Educators and psychologists in juvenile correction settings as “significant others” in the process of rehabilitation and re-socialization of convictsLomonosov Psychology Journal, p. 88-119
Family factors of autonomy development and separation processes in adolescenceLomonosov Psychology Journal, p. 120-146
Peculiarities of moral disengagement mechanisms realization in adolescenceLomonosov Psychology Journal, p. 147-165
Traditional and innovative trends in math education in preschoolers in russia: do they fit to educational criteria?Lomonosov Psychology Journal, p. 166-193
Russian adaptation and validation of the “multidimensional school engagement scale”Lomonosov Psychology Journal, p. 194-213
Impact of physical activity of preschool children on the development of executive functions: theoretical review of studiesLomonosov Psychology Journal, p. 214-238
Part II. Psychological counseling and educational development for special children and adolescents
Theoretical and empirical studies
Psychology of difficult childhood. To the 150th anniversary of V.P. Kashchenko (1870–1943)Lomonosov Psychology Journal, p. 239-261
Social-psychological therapeutic-developmental environment for a problem child: history and contemporary design possibilitiesLomonosov Psychology Journal, p. 262-290
Neuropsychological predictors of poor school performanceLomonosov Psychology Journal, p. 291-313
News of the faculty of psychology
To the 50-th anniversary of Emelin Vadim AnatolievichLomonosov Psychology Journal, p. 335-336