Lomonosov Psychology Journal
ISSN 0137-0936
eISSN 2309-9852
En Ru
ISSN 0137-0936
eISSN 2309-9852


Krotkova O.A., Danilov G.V., Kaverina M.Yu., Kuleva A.Yu., Gavrilova E.V., Enikolopova E.V. (2018). The distribution of visual attention in normal aging: the eye tracking study. Moscow University Psychology Bulletin, 1, 21-36


Relevance. The study of adaptive brain reorganizations during normal human aging is relevant both in the social aspect and in the scientific aspect. It contributes to the development of theoretical ideas about brain providing cognitive processes.

Objective. The aim of the work is to study the mechanisms of changing the volume of visual attention during normal aging using the technology of eye-tracking.

Methods. 30 healthy subjects aged 19-30 years (11 people, younger group) and 50-81 years (19 people, older group) performed an original technique assumed the memorization of triplets of images, their recall and recognition in a series of similar, identical and new images. The memorization was accompanied by the recording of subjects’ eye movements.

Results.In the older group the narrowing of volume of visual attention was obtained. For a 10-second exposure of stimuli in the older group, only the visual information associated with central stimulus was accurately remembered. Results of the older group showed a significant predominance of recall and recognition errors of stimuli over the number of those in the younger group. The differences between the two groups were not found only for the situation of recognition of the central stimulus. In the young group there was a tendency to an asymmetric appearance of errors in relation to the left and the right triplet stimuli. The right stimuli were worse reproduced verbally, and the left ones were less well recognized. In the older group the asymmetry in the recognition and reproduction of stimuli was not detected.

Conclusions. An eye tracking data objectified the distribution of visual attention and allowed to explain the results of the subsequent reproduction and recognition of images.

Sections: Empirical studies;

Received: 02/28/2018
Accepted: 03/07/2018
Pages: 21-36
DOI: 10.11621/vsp.2018.01.21

Keywords: attention; memory; eye tracking; normal aging; interhemispheric interaction;

Available Online 30.03.2018

Table 1.


Левый стимул

Центральный стимул

Правый стимул

Младшая группа

Старшая группа

Младшая группа

Старшая группа

Младшая группа

Старшая группа

Свободное воспроизведение стимулов







Узнавание стимулов







Table 2.

Обозна-чение на рисунке

Испы-туемые (лет)

Левый стимул

Центральный стимул

Правый стимул

Свободное воспроиз-ведение

Узнава-ние похожего стимула

Узнавание оригинала

Свободное воспроиз-ведение

Узнавание оригинала

Свободное воспроиз-ведение

Узнава-ние похожего стимула

Узнава-ние оригинала


ОВАН (26)










ДОР (68)

«Не было»

«Не было»




«Была похожая»


ДОР (68)










СМОЛ (50)



«Была похожая»






СМОЛ (50)



«Не было»

«Не было»



«Были похожие»


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For citing this article:

Krotkova O.A., Danilov G.V., Kaverina M.Yu., Kuleva A.Yu., Gavrilova E.V., Enikolopova E.V. (2018). The distribution of visual attention in normal aging: the eye tracking study. Moscow University Psychology Bulletin, 1, 21-36