Lomonosov Psychology Journal
ISSN 0137-0936
eISSN 2309-9852
En Ru
ISSN 0137-0936
eISSN 2309-9852


Krotkova О.А. (2014). Psychophysical problem and the hemispheric asymmetry. The Moscow University Psychology Bulletin.Series 14.Psychology,3,47-62


The data is analyzed in the article about structural and neurochemical brain hemispheric asymmetry, which, together with results of neuropsychological investigations, allow considering in a new way the problem of realization of psychic events. Modern investigations of cellar and molecular processes in neural system show, that the endogenous neural activity and the ways of neural self-organization are in many respects defined by the composition of extracellar environment. The complication of brain during phylogenies was accompanied by increasing asymmetry of neural system at the same time the biological prerequisites for differentiation of general “meanings” and one’s personal “sense” of the acquired experience were forming. The asymmetric mediation of psychic events by cellar and neurohumoral components of brain processing provided the opportunity for appearing language and distinct subjective experiences in human.

Sections: To the 85th anniversary of Evgenia Davydovna Homskaya (1929–2004);

Received: 06/05/2014
Pages: 47-62

Keywords: psychophysical problem; the hemispheric asymmetry; memory;

Available Online 30.09.2014

For citing this article:

Krotkova О.А. (2014). Psychophysical problem and the hemispheric asymmetry. The Moscow University Psychology Bulletin.Series 14.Psychology,3,47-62