Chesnokova O.B, Martirosova Yu.V., Subbotsky E .V. (2011). Interactions of schoolchildren with different level of social intelligence in an induced conflict of interests’ situation. The Moscow University Psychology Bulletin, 2, 48-58
In the experiment 9 and 12 year old participants took part in an induced conflict of interests, organized as a cooperative-competitive game. The significant age differences in styles of dyadic interactions in an induced conflict of interests were found. Results indicated that a style of interaction with partners and total outcome of the game were partly predicted by a level of social intelligence and a child’s ability to manipulate others’ behavior.
Keywords: social intelligence; conflict of interests; limited-resource situation; cooperation; competition; strategy of interaction; interaction styles;
For citing this article:
Chesnokova O.B, Martirosova Yu.V., Subbotsky E .V. (2011). Interactions of schoolchildren with different level of social intelligence in an induced conflict of interests’ situation. The Moscow University Psychology Bulletin, 2, 48-58