Lomonosov Psychology Journal
ISSN 0137-0936
eISSN 2309-9852
En Ru
ISSN 0137-0936
eISSN 2309-9852

Psychological risks of adolescents studying under conditions of increased academic load

Background. This study examines risk factors for the mental health of a student in the condition of increased academic load. Introduction of new technologies and multilingualism in educational technologies influence emotional life of an adolescent. The overall excellent performance of a pupil may hide risks of adaptation disruption.

Objective is to discover anxiety and aggressiveness manifestations among adolescents studying under high academic load.

Methods. Analysis of the psychological characteristics of adolescents at risk for maladaptive perfectionism was carried out with quantitative and qualitative research methods. Applied techniques and methods involved the method by Prikhozhan to study the Self-Image of teens in the age group of 12–17 years; Buss — Perry Aggression Questionnaire as adapted by S.N. Yenikolopov; APS-R Perfectionism Scale as adapted by S.N. Yenikolopov; incomplete sentences; the Hand Test; pathopsychological test; extended clinical conversation; Torrance figurative subtests; Sociometry.

Sample. The study involved 245 students of the 8th grade of four schools. Two schools offered in-depth study of 2 foreign languages and the other secondary schools did not.

Results. According to the research, the markers of maladaptive behavior of a successful pupil are trait anxiety, maladaptive perfectionism, hostility, and anger. About 20% of the participants fall into the risk group for anxiety. Objectively, their performance is high, though teenagers have doubts about their success, demonstrate tendency for delaying, inability to start doing something. In this case the anxiety is caused by fear of failing to meet self-imposed high standards. Failure to comply with your requirements and рrocrastination is higher in schools with advanced studies of two foreign languages. Self-esteem anxiety is related to the components of Self-Image: intelligence, situation at school, communication, self-confidence. Non-conformity to self-imposed standards and procrastination are related to anger.

Conclusion. In two schools, the number of highly anxious teenagers ranges from 12 % to 20 %. In the gymnasium, only highly anxious teenagers were found. Anxiety correlates with various indicators of aggressiveness. Slaney’s procrastination/anxiety scores are positively correlated with adolescent anger and hostility. Indicators of maladaptive perfectionism according to Slaney are associated with the components of the Self-Concept. Objectively, the success of the students is good, but teenagers doubt their success, they show a tendency to procrastinate, an inability to take action. In this case, the anxiety is caused by the fear of not meeting the high standards set for oneself. The markers of the maladaptive state of a highly anxious student are maladaptive perfectionism, hostility, and anger. According to the results of qualitative research methods, destructive personality tendencies can be observed in highly anxious adolescents. The manifestations of anxiety and aggressiveness of the surveyed adolescents are similar in all schools. Failure to comply with your requirements and рrocrastination is higher in schools with advanced studies of two foreign languages.


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Recieved: 11/11/2022

Accepted: 01/10/2023

Published: 03/10/2023

Keywords: successfulness; anxiety; perfectionism; destructive personality tendencies; risk factors

Available online since: 10.03.2023

Issue 1, 2023