Lomonosov Psychology Journal
ISSN 0137-0936
eISSN 2309-9852
En Ru
ISSN 0137-0936
eISSN 2309-9852

Operator's trust in equipment in the space of subjective professional well-being

Background. The relevance of the study is determined by the search for the determinants of the subjective professional well-being of operators. Possibilities of operators' trust in equipment for achieving subjective professional well-being (SPWB) are considered.

Objective. The analysis of the features of manifestation of operators' trust in equipment as a psychological resource of subjective professional well-being was carried out.

Design. The author's questionnaire «Trust of the specialist to equipment (TSE)» was used to diagnose the level of trust of operators in equipment. Questionnaires: "Social and professional demand for personality", "Methods for assessing professional well-being", "Dominant state", "Passionate about work" were used to diagnose SPWB. Empirical data were translated into z-scores. Z-scores were subjected to multidimensional scaling (non-metric scaling, distance function - Euclidean distance). The results were displayed in the form of two-dimensional graphic models of the psychological space of SPWB. In the SPWB space, assessments of indicators of operators' trust in equipment and subjective professional well-being were reflected.

Research sample. The study involved 76 NPP operators (specialists), 100 locomotive driver – a total of 176 people. Work experience - from 1 to 35 years.

Results. The level of trust in the equipment among specialists is higher than among the locomotive drivers – 75,8 points and 62,4 points, respectively (p <0,001). Experts' assessments of indicators of trust in the equipment are located on the border of the SPWB space, far from the assessments of SPWB indicators. For locomotive drivers, assessments of indicators of trust in the equipment are located within the SPWB space next to 4 indicators of the SPWB. They reflected the desire for professional growth, satisfaction with the level of competence and professional achievements, the state of passion for work.

Conclusions. The trust of specialists in the equipment becomes a psychological resource of subjective professional well-being in critical working situations. The trust of locomotive drivers in the equipment is a constant psychological resource for maintaining subjective professional well-being.


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Recieved: 03/18/2021

Accepted: 04/15/2021

Published: 06/30/2021

Keywords: trust in the equipment; subjective professional well-being; psychological resource; human operator; psychological space

Available online since: 10.06.2021

Issue 2, 2021