History of the journal, first compilers and editors
Lomonosov Psychology Journal was founded on April 1, 1976 by Order No. 375 of the rector of Lomonosov Moscow State University, academician Rem V. Khokhlov. The journal was established by the founder and the dean of the Faculty of Psychology at Moscow University, Professor Alexey N. Leontiev (1903–1979).
The history of the journal is closely aligned with those areas of psychologic research fostered at Moscow University during those years. These areas were particularly influenced by the general psychological theory developed by A. N. Leontiev, dating back to the cultural and historical concept estqablished by the distinguished Moscow University professor, Lev S. Vygotsky (1896–1934). Thee influence of these two world-famous scientists laid the foundation of psychological science and outlined the scope of the journal’s focus , which has been closely aligned with the Faculty of Psychology throughout its history. The journal has published fundamental and applied research consistent with traditional Russian psychological approaches in the fields of theory and methodology of psychology, developmental psychology, clinical psychology, occupational and engineering psychology, general psychology, educational psychology, personality psychology, neuropsychology, and pathopsychology.
The first Editorial Board of Lomonosov Psychology Journal included the classics of Russian psychological science: A.N. Leontiev, A.R. Luria, P.Ya. Galperin, B.V. Zeigarnik, E.D. Chomskaya, O.K. Tikhomirov. They established high standards for the scientific level as well as on the quality of editorial preparation of materials submitted for publication - standards that continue to be upheld by the current editorial board which includes Yu.P. Zinchenko, A.N. Veraksa, A.G. Asmolov, B.S. Bratus , A.A. Rean, V.S. Sobkin, Yu.V. Solovyova, A.Sh. Tkhostov, D.V. Ushakov, L.A. Tsvetkova, A.M. Chernorizov and others. In April 1977, the first issue of Lomonosov Psychology Journal was published. It included articles by A.G. Asmolov, B.M. Velichkovsky, E.N. Sokolov, E.V., Subbotsky, A.R. Luria, T.M. Sokolskaya, S.Ya. Rubinstein, L.A. Petrovskaya and others.
Leading specialists of the Faculty of Psychology of Lomonosov Moscow State University, heads of departments and leaders of scientific psychological schools collaborated extensively with the journal ovwer the years. Since 1976, leaders of Russian psychological science have been contributing authors for the journal including G.M. Andreeva, L.I. Aidarov, I.A. Volodarskaya, P.Ya. Galperin, N.N. Danilova, I.I. Ilyasov, B.V. Zeigarnik, A.N. Leontiev, A.R. Luria, N.N. Nechaev, L.F. Obukhova, A.I. Podolsky, V.V. Petukhov, L.A. Petrovskaya, Z.A. Reshetova, V.Ya. Romanov, N.G. Salmina, E.N. Sokolov, N.F. Talyzina, O.K. Tikhomirov, V.V. Umrikhin, E.D. Chomskaya and many others. Currently, renowned scientists continue to contribute to the journal including Yu.P. Zinchenko, P.N. Ermakov, A.N. Veraksa, E.V. Galazhinsky, D.V. Ushakov A.V. Shaboltas. These experts are also leaders in the Russian Psychological Society (RPS), the professional organization of psychologists associated with the journal. From 1963 to 1968 A.N. Leontiev served as the president of the Society of Psychologists of the USSR, the predecessor of the RPS. It was during this period that the faculty became a major scientific center for psychology training and an important contributor of both Russian and international scientific knowledge This period was marked by a major international event associated with A.N. Leontiev’s name. In 1966, the XVIII International Psychological Congress was hosted by the Department of Psychology of Moscow University, attracting 4,500 scientists from 44 participating countries. . Prominent foreign psychologists of that time era participated in the congress, including J. Bruner, U. Bronfenbrenner, R. Zazzo, B. Inhelder, D. Broadbent, J. Delgado, V. Gray, D.B. Lindsley, N. Miller, K. Pribram, J. Piaget, P. Fresse, S. Flores, R. Shoven and others. The results of the congress were showcased in the journal’s publications.
The Faculty of Psychology at Moscow University remains a platform for RPS, reflected in the geographical diversity among readers and authors of the journal. The faculty structure consists of 14 departments, 5 laboratories, and 3 scientific training centers, encompassing key areas of modern psychological science. Thse arewsa include methodology, theory and history of psychology, general psychology, personality psychology, psychology of social groups and organizations, general patterns and individual characteristics of mental development and education of children, adolescents and young people in a changing world, functioning and development of a person as a professional, psychology of cognitive processes, diagnosis and correction, psychological assistance to a person in extreme conditions, clinical psychology, cultural-historical psychology and many other subfields.
All of these aforementioned topics are represented in research findings published in the Lomonosov Psychology Journal. The journal’s versatility is evident in the variety of topics in covers, all united by a common approach rooted in is the tradition of the faculty, including the theories if L.S. Vygotsky, A.N. Leontiev, A.R. Luria and others.
The core goal of the Lomonosov Psychology Journal is to advance an experimental approach within the paradigm of cultural-historical and activity psychology, while illuminating the potential for its application to the study of psychological phenomena within the broader context of global psychological science.
The journal is dedicated to publishing original fundamental and applied research conducted in the traditional framework of cultural-historical theory and activity theory. It covers areas of global psychological science and practice, with particular emphasis on research developed at Moscow University.
The target audience of the journal includes a broad range of specialists such as psychologists and educators, practicing psychologists and social educators, psychophysiologists, medical psychologists, young scientists (students, graduate students, postgraduates), as well as practicing specialists and anyone interested in psychological science and contemporary psychological issues related to society and personality.
The editorial board of the journal consists of 51 specialists, including 11 academicians (RAE and RAS), 9 corresponding members (RAE and RAS), 47 doctors of science, 4 candidates of science, and 7 foreign scientists. Over the entire existence of the journal, more than 860 authors have published over 1000 articles. The journal is annually read by more than 10,000 readers from Russia and the CIS countries (Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, etc.), as well as from around the world including Australia, Great Britain, Brazil, Germany, Spain, Israel, Canada, Mexico, Poland, Portugal, Singapore, the USA, Finland, Japan and more.
One of the priority directions of the journal is the promotion of Russian psychological science in the international community, including through the publication of full-text articles in English.
The journal is included in many specialized Russian and foreign databases: Higher Attestation Commission, RSCI, Cyber Leninka, DOAJ, ERIH PLUS, Google Scholar, Urlichs web, World Cat, Crossref, BASE, Sience Index and others.
The Editorial Board of Lomonosov Psychology Journal continues to collaborate with the Russian Psychological Society to ensure compliance with all recommendations developed by the Commission on Scientific Publications of the RPS. The Russian Psychological Society, at the present stage, is an all-Russian public organization representing the professional community of psychologists in Russia. It is a member of IUPsyS (the International Union of Psychological Science) under UNESCO and includes over 5,000 members from more than 60 constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The journal is distributed throughout all regional branches of the RPS. The journal regularly participates as an information partner an active participant in international scientific and practical conferences and psychological schools for young scientists, undergraduates, graduate students, as well as in forums of the congresses of the RPS.
Today, it is commonly asserted that Lomonosov Psychology Journal is in high demand for published material, which makes it one of the leading scientific journals in the field of psychology.