Lomonosov Psychology Journal
ISSN 0137-0936
eISSN 2309-9852
En Ru
ISSN 0137-0936
eISSN 2309-9852






Rossokhin A.V. (2012). Reflection of the altered states of consciousness in psychoanalysis (part 2). The Moscow University Psychology Bulletin, 2, 152-167

Psychoanalysis presents unique empirical material for the research of the dynamics of personality reflection in altered states of consciousness and its impact on different aspects of vital activity of the personality. Transference and countertransference altered states of consciousness were in focus of interest of the first part of the article. It was shown that as altered states of consciousness become deeper during the psychoanalytical process the reflexive processes of a personality enhance, become more active and change qualitatively, which is expressed in particular in the formation of the active «reflexive I». Reflexive activity of the personality in countertransference and combined transference-countertransference altered states of consciousness was analyzed in this second part of the article. 

Pages: 152-167

Keywords: personality; reflection; psychoanalysis; altered states of consciousness; psychoanalytical process; transference; counter-transference; regression;

By: ;

Available Online: 06/30/2012

Rossokhin A.V.(2010). reflection of the altered states of consciousness in psychoanalysis. The Moscow University Psychology Bulletin, 3, 88-104

Psychoanalysis presents unique empirical material for the research of the dynamics of personality reflection in altered states of consciousness and its impact on different aspects of vital activity of the personality. it was shown that as altered states of consciousness become deeper during the psychoanalytical process the reflexive processes of a personality enhance, become more active and change qualitatively, which is expressed in particular in the formation of the active «reflexive i».

Received: 02/18/2010

Pages: 88-104

Keywords: personality; reflection; psychoanalysis; psychoanalytical process; transference; regression; counter-transference;

By: ;