Lomonosov Psychology Journal
ISSN 0137-0936
eISSN 2309-9852
En Ru
ISSN 0137-0936
eISSN 2309-9852

Portrait: the Perception of a Person by a Person and the Art of Transmitting the Ideological Essence by Artistic Means

Background. The article presents an overview and analytical study of the problem of perception of a person's face by ordinary people and famous artists. The relevance of the research is dictated by attempts to solve the problem of the connection between the perceiver and the perceived subjects of the cognition process. The subject of the study was both the perception strategies of the perceiver, and the characteristics of the perceived person according to his portrait, his worldview.

Objective. Review and analysis of studies devoted to the study of portrait perception strategies and the transmission of ideological characteristics by famous portrait artists.

Methods. Review and analytical study of scientific literature in the field of human perception by man, as well as analysis of the results of author's research using methods of subjective semantics — content analysis and subjective scaling.

Results. The first part of the article presents the results of experiments on the perception of the image of a person's face and its part, conducted within the framework of art studies, biology, technical sciences, pedagogy, various psychological schools, as well as by the author's team over the past 25 years. The second part of the article offers a theoretical analysis of the creative experience of famous artists in creating a portrait of a person. Special emphasis is placed on the transfer of a person's worldview and personality in creating a portrait.

Conclusion. In conclusion, the article identifies new problems and directions of psychological research on the problem of perception of the ideological essence of a person by his face.


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Recieved: 05/24/2022

Accepted: 06/20/2022

Published: 12/31/2022

Keywords: portrait, perception of a person's face, worldview, expression of emotions; perception of a person's face; worldview; expression of emotions; emotions

Available online since: 31.12.2022

Issue 4, 2022