Lomonosov Psychology Journal
ISSN 0137-0936
eISSN 2309-9852
En Ru
ISSN 0137-0936
eISSN 2309-9852






Kononova V.N., Shmelyov A.G.(2010). DDQ and «Professional orientator»:The continuity of domestic occupational methods . The Moscow University Psychology Bulletin, 2, 63-74

The article explains the continuity of domestic proforientational methods, DDQ and «Proforientator». The authors described the scientific and organiziational contributions, made by Professor E.A. Klimov in the development of modern proforientational diagnostic methods. The reader of this article can find the illustration of his contributions to the history of emergence of a computerized test «Proforientator» and the logic of its revising. The authors focus on the block «interests» and secondary scales of modern test in the areas of targeted learning. Analysis of massive empirical material using expert assessment and mathematical statistics, allowed to reasonably prove validity of schoolchildren’ test results with the help of the «Proforientator» test real career, with a precision of up to six areas of targeted learning. Also it was given attention to deal with individual bright cases involving real failed choices of higher education and specialty. The materials described the theoretical basis of domestic proforientational approach, which have been tested in practice.

Pages: 63-74

Keywords: predictive validity; psychodiagnostics; professional orientation; interests; domestic computer test; professionoriented education; classification of professions;

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