Lomonosov Psychology Journal
ISSN 0137-0936
eISSN 2309-9852
En Ru
ISSN 0137-0936
eISSN 2309-9852

Impact of belief in a competitive world and internalized homophobia on psychological well-being

Relevance. Our work is devoted to the analysis of such factors of the psychological well-being of homosexual men as belief in a competitive world and internalized homophobia. The study of these factors is important, since they form the image of the world and the image of oneself, which create the foundation for the perception of one's achievements in the social world and self-acceptance. Since modern society maintains negative attitudes towards homosexuality, especially male homosexuality, we assume that along with the assimilation of these prejudices, an image of the world can be formed in which it is necessary to remain vigilant and expect a “dirty trick” from others, which will negatively affect the psychological well-being of gays. 

The aim of the study was to examine the influence of belief in a competitive world and internalized homophobia on psychological well-being among homosexual men.

Research methods and sampling: methods of K. Ryff “Psychological well-being”, J. Duckitt “Jungle world beliefs” and W. Mayfield “Internalized homonegativity”. The study involved 68 men who identified themselves as homosexuals.

The results of the study showed that internalized homophobia makes a greater contribution to psychological well-being, while the role of faith in a competitive world is significantly less important. At the same time, acceptance of one's homosexuality contributes to psychological well-being, understood by K. Ryff as a positive functioning of the individual, and faith in a competitive world negatively affects psychological well-being. The results obtained allow us to conclude that the social outlook and self-attitude of the individual play a significant role in psychological well-being.


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Recieved: 02/12/2021

Accepted: 02/22/2020

Published: 03/30/2021

Keywords: internalized homophobia; belief in a competitive world; psychological well-being; homosexual men; image of the world; image of oneself

Available online since: 30.03.2021

Issue 1, 2021