Lomonosov Psychology Journal
ISSN 0137-0936
eISSN 2309-9852
En Ru
ISSN 0137-0936
eISSN 2309-9852

Family factors of autonomy development and separation processes in adolescence

Relevance. Adolescence is an important stage in human life. It offers a lot of possibilities for personal development, but it also presents serious challenges, such as development of autonomy, the search for individuality. Parent-child relationships are generally considered a factor of the development of adolescent’s autonomy. Family psychology identifies adolescence as basis for a separate stage in the family life cycle. In this regard, it seems important to investigate the processes of separation and development of the autonomy of adolescents not only in parent-child relations, but in a wider family context. 

Objective. The goal of the research is to study the family factors of autonomy and separation processes development in adolescence. 

Method and participants. 51 adolescents in age from 13 to 18 years took part in the study. The following methods were used: questionnaires on autonomy and separation processes, family and child-parent relations, “Family Sociogram”, the incomplete sentences method. 

Main results. The main content of the ideas about independence and autonomy in adolescents is shown: adolescents determine their autonomy primarily through the behavioral aspect and alienation. Emotional differentiation goes difficult, and adolescents are often susceptible to emotional influence in relationships with significant people. Fear of losing sovereignty is negatively associated with family cohesion, expressiveness, and independence of family members. Neurotic denial of dependence on others is negatively associated with family cohesion, independence of family members, and transparency of family rules. Lack of acceptance of the adolescent, excessive emotional distancing and lack of consent and cooperation in the family is negatively connected with autonomy development and separation of adolescents. 

Conclusions. It is necessary to consider the development of autonomy and separation processes in adolescence in the context of family relations. Negative family factors are connected with separation difficulties and lack of autonomy in adolescence.


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Recieved: 06/30/2020

Accepted: 08/10/2020

Published: 09/20/2020

Keywords: autonomy development in adolescence; separation-individuation in adolescence; family relations; parent-child relations of adolescents

Available online since: 20.09.2020

Issue 3, 2020