Lomonosov Psychology Journal
ISSN 0137-0936
eISSN 2309-9852
En Ru
ISSN 0137-0936
eISSN 2309-9852

Moscow University Psychology Bulletin. Series 14. Psychology, 2009, 2, 96 p.

Moscow University Psychology Bulletin. Series 14. Psychology, 2009, 2, 96 p.

Theoretical and empirical studies

Stefanenko T.G.(2009). Ethnic identity: from ethnology to social psychology .The Moscow University Psychology Bulletin, 2, 3-17

The concepts of ethnic identity and ethnicity are compared to each other; the main approaches of research on ethnicity are analysed. The restrictions of the primor- dialistic approach are discussed. The psychological analysis of the constructivist model of ethnicity as well as of its criteria is proposed in here. The analysis of the ethnological theories allows concluding that the unilateral vision of ethnic identity nature is illegiti- mate and ethnic identity should be studied as result of the cognitive-emotional process of self-determination of individual towards the ethnic groups in the social space — as result of belonging to the ethnic community experience.

Received: 07/01/2009

Pages: 3-17

Keywords: ethnic identity; ethnicity; primordialism; constructionism; ethnic boundary; belief in common descent;

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Kondratova N.A.(2009). Theoretical background and content of the concept «personal life space».The Moscow University Psychology Bulletin, 2, 18-30

The concept «personal life space» is introduced and a justification is provided. Theoretical origins, relations with the concept «image of the world» are discussed and a structure model of the concept is developed. The results of an empirical study of representation of personal life space in the world images in adolescents and young adults are presented.

Received: 03/20/2008

Pages: 18-30

Keywords: life world; life space; personal life space; image of the world; semiotic sphere; semantic construct «own/alien»;

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Veraksa A.N.(2009).The role of symbolic mediation in cognitive activity in primary school (acquisition of the function concept).The Moscow University Psychology Bulletin, 2, 31-44

The paper discusses the possibilities of symbol application to the learning of function concept in primary school. Author differentiates symbol and sign mediation. . Symbolic mediation is divided into productive (which assists transfer to sign mediation) and unproductive. Three groups of children were learning concept of function according to three programs: traditional, based on sign mediation; experimental, based on productive symbolic mediation; experimental, based on unproductive symbolic . mediation. Experiment showed that symbolic mediation could be a productive way of learning concept of function if core relationships in image content of symbol that can bring to sign mediation are defined.

Received: 09/22/2008

Pages: 31-44

Keywords: mediation; sign mediation; orientation;

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Pogozhina I.N., Lu Guoyao (2009). Influence of the decentration ability on the level of concrete-operational structure formation at the senior preschool children.The Moscow University Psychology Bulletin, 2, 45-55

The experimental research is directed on verifying of possibility and efficiency of formation of logic operations (classification, ranking) and understanding of a principle of conservation through formation of the decentration ability at children by the method developed by authors. Following positions are substantiated and confirmed. Formation of the decentration ability at children of the senior preschool age in the course of specially organized training influences on change of degree of intensity of an egocentrism and raises the decentration ability, influences on change of logic operations (classification, ranking) formation and understanding of a principle of conservation (length, quantity of substance and water volume) level. All changes after the formation are nonrandom.

Received: 02/22/2009

Pages: 45-55

Keywords: children’s egocentrism; the decentration ability; logic operations of classification; ranking; conservation principle understanding;

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Dvukraeva I.S., Zvereva N.V.(2009). Vocabulary of emotions at 10—12 years old children, suffering from schizophrenia.The Moscow University Psychology Bulletin, 2, 56-61

The article presents the results of the investigation of active and passive vocabulary of emotions at schoolchildren (normal and schizophrenic ones). It has been shown that children suffering from schizophrenia are less differentiated in vocabulary of emotions and are more likely than healthy children recognize emotional stimuli as unemotional than the normal ones are doing this.

Received: 09/12/2006

Pages: 56-61

Keywords: the vocabulary of emotions; the active and passive vocabulary; capacity to differ emotion in vocabulary; emotional stimulus; childhood schizophrenia;

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Psychology to practice

Tsvetkova L.S., Tsvetkov A.V.(2009). Neuropsychological syndromes of higher cortical functions disformations in 7—10 children with psychic violations.The Moscow University Psychology Bulletin, 2, 62-71

Neuropsychological testing in 7—10 children with learning and behavioral dif- ficulties is described. All children were school studying and visiting Center for children intellectual development. Several syndromes of higher cortical functions violations are sorted out.

Received: 01/29/2009

Pages: 62-71

Keywords: neuropsychological syndrome; developmental neuropsychology; primary school children; psychic violations;

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Kreslavskaya E.E., Vartanov A.V.(2009). A test for scoring understanding of study material on human biology: verification results.The Moscow University Psychology Bulletin, 2, 72-80

The article describes verification of a test diagnostics method that focuses on understanding of human biology, specifically the procedure and the results of verification. The study includes testing of 168 high school students and validation of the test by 55 experts. The results of the study indicate that the test can be recommended to diagnose how well high school students understand human biology. The difference in experts’ opinion regarding interpretation of the test questions has been analyzed.

Received: 03/11/2008

Pages: 72-80

Keywords: understanding of a studying material; diagnostics of understanding; contextual training;

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Scientific information

Raevskiy A.E.(2009). Psychological manipulation in new religious movements.The Moscow University Psychology Bulletin, 2, 81-89

In the article are given the contents and the origins of terms «new religious movement», «brainwashing» and «mind control». There are also described the stages by which mind control is taken place in groups which aim is manipulating human brain (according to E. Schein and R.J. Lifton).

Received: 07/17/2008

Pages: 81-89

Keywords: new religious movements; «brainwashing»; psychological manipulation; infusion; terrorism;

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(2009) To the 85th anniversary of Galina Mikhailovna Andreeva. Moscow University Psychology Bulletin, 2, 90-94

To the 85th anniversary of Galina Mikhailovna Andreeva.

Pages: 90-94

Keywords: Anniversaries;

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(2009) To the 75th anniversary of Antonina Nikolayevna Zhdan. Moscow University Psychology Bulletin, 2, 90-94

To the 75th anniversary of Antonina Nikolayevna Zhdan

Pages: 95-96

Keywords: Anniversaries;

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