Lomonosov Psychology Journal
ISSN 0137-0936
eISSN 2309-9852
En Ru
ISSN 0137-0936
eISSN 2309-9852


Pogozhina I.N., Sergeeva M.V., Egorova V.A. (2019). Digital Competence and Childhood: A Unique Challenge of the 21st Century (Analysis of Modern Research). Moscow University Psychology Bulletin, 4, 80-106


Background. The transition from the analog economy to the digital one has been accompanied by the digitalization of all spheres of life, in particular the sphere of education, and according to the decree of the government of the Russian Federation, it requires a revision of goals, educational content, and the development of new tools that provide for lifelong learning, as well as the construction of new competency models.

Objective. To carry out a comparative logical-categorical analysis of various models describing digital competencies based on a review of domestic and foreign studies, and determine the content and place of digital competencies in modern competency models.

Design. Critical analysis and synthesis of the literature on the problems of digital competence.

Results. The vector of economic development in the Russian Federation will shift to the development of the knowledge economy over the next 10 years. This transition creates a number of problems: 1) The students are much more savvy than their teachers in the use of digital technologies, as they were immersed in the digital environment from early childhood; and 2) There is no single approach to the definition of the term "digital competence." The first part of this paper presents an analysis of the existing definitions, content, and types of digital competency. The second is a comparison of different models of digital competencies. The third part is about the inconsistency of the results of empirical research on the benefits and harms of digital technology for the mental development of children.

Conclusions. 1. Ubiquitous digitalization creates the need to develop a new competency model for the knowledge economy. 2. The concept of "digital literacy" is included in the concept of "digital competence" on the principle of "part-whole." 3. Science provides more and more evidence of the positive impact of the digital environment on the development of the psyche and human behavior. 4. A systematic approach to the formation of digital competence is needed in the form of specialized educational programs based on generalized instructions (indicative principles of action), taking into account the age characteristics of students.

Sections: Empirical studies; Theoretical studies; Received: 07/20/2019
Accepted: 09/08/2019
Pages: 80-106
DOI: 10.11621/vsp.2019.04.80

Keywords: competence; knowledge economy; digital economy; digitalization; digital literacy;

Available Online 31.08.2019


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Pogozhina I.N., Sergeeva M.V., Egorova V.A. (2019). Digital Competence and Childhood: A Unique Challenge of the 21st Century (Analysis of Modern Research). Moscow University Psychology Bulletin, 4, 80-106