Lomonosov Psychology Journal
ISSN 0137-0936
eISSN 2309-9852
En Ru
ISSN 0137-0936
eISSN 2309-9852


Voiskounsky A.E., Arestova O.N., Solodov M.U. (2019). Psychological Issues in Digital Text Reading. Moscow University Psychology Bulletin, 4, 59-79


Background. Digital texts have become widespread in today’s society, both in day-to-day and professional life, as well as in education. Still there is some risk and we cannot realize all the potential outcomes since psychology has not thoroughly explored their use.

Objective. We studied the differences between the effectiveness of reading parallel and consequent texts.

Design. Our sample was 45 adults of ages 18 to 59. We adapted “Similarities,” the “Analytic-Holistic” cognitive style scale, and “Complex analogies” for online use.

Results. We found individual preferences for either parallel or consequent text presentation. The results of the parallel text presentation were worse than those with the consequent, and positively correlated with holistic style and verbal intellect. Success in working with parallelly presented text depends on the individual’s cognitive features and abilities. Parallel reading is a comprehensive cognitive task and requires more cognitive skills and higher intellect than consequent reading.

Sections: Empirical studies; Theoretical studies; Received: 08/31/2019
Accepted: 10/08/2019
Pages: 59-79
DOI: 10.11621/vsp.2019.04.59

Keywords: digitalization; hypertext; cognitive styles; digital text; parallel reading; nonlinear text;

Available Online 31.08.2019


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Voiskounsky A.E., Arestova O.N., Solodov M.U. (2019). Psychological Issues in Digital Text Reading. Moscow University Psychology Bulletin, 4, 59-79