Lomonosov Psychology Journal
ISSN 0137-0936
eISSN 2309-9852
En Ru
ISSN 0137-0936
eISSN 2309-9852


Sagova Z.A., Dontsov D.A. (2018). The study of personal emotional sphere as a regulator of functional state in young athletes. National Psychological Journal, 4, 96–108.


Background. Sports activities set high demands on the personal qualities and abilities of athletes, which increases their emotional tension, and negatively affects their self-esteem, self-confidence and motivation. Studying manifestations of the personal emotional sphere of athletes allows choosing effective methods of psychological work to adjust their competitive states up to an optimal level.

The Objective of the research is to learn the specific features of the personal emotional sphere as a regulator of the functional state in young athletes.

Design. The paper analyzes the manifestations of personal emotional sphere of females aged 11-13 years involved in rhythmic gymnastics (N = 20). The results of the relationship and the ratio of the athletes’ personal parameters are presented.

Research Results. A direct significant relationship (p = 0.01) of the anxiety level in athletes with neuroticism, irritability, suspiciousness and sensitivity is revealed. A positive significant relationship (p = 0.01) of guilt and aggressiveness expressed mainly indirectly is established. The obtained features of the relationship of the studied characteristics of young athletes are generally consistent with the results of similar studies performed by other specialists.

Conclusion. The results can be viewed as manifestations of the adaptation mechanisms of young gymnasts in the tense conditions of sports activities, as well as fear of disapproval from a significant circle of people. The revealed emotional-personal characteristics of young sportswomen are probably due to psycho-physiological changes associated with adolescence and the specifics of sports activities. The results of the study generally raise additional questions and allow us to outline areas for further research on the problem under discussion. It is important to study the influence of the emotional state in athletes on the ability to fully recover from intensive physical burnout and follow sleep and rest schedule.

Received: 10/09/2018
Accepted: 10/24/2018
Pages: 96-108
DOI: 10.11621/npj.2018.0409

Keywords: sport; artistic gymnastic; adolescence; emotional and personal sphere; functional state;

Available Online 30.01.2019

Table 1. Correlation analysis of personal characteristics in rhythmic gymnastics athletes















1. Anxiety














2. Neurotism














3. Self-esteem














4. Claims














5. Emotional Balance














6. Physical Agreession














7. Verbal Agression














8. Indirect Agression














9. Negativism














10. Irritation














11. Suspicion














12. Suseptibility














13. Feeling of Guilt














** Correlation is significant at the level 0.01 * Correlation is significant at the level 0.05


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Sagova Z.A., Dontsov D.A. (2018). The study of personal emotional sphere as a regulator of functional state in young athletes. National Psychological Journal, 4, 96–108.