Lomonosov Psychology Journal
ISSN 0137-0936
eISSN 2309-9852
En Ru
ISSN 0137-0936
eISSN 2309-9852


Konovalova A.M., Zakharova E.I. (2017). Features of the parenting as obligatory conditions of developing respect for parents in adolescence. National Psychological Journal. 1, 91-96.


The paper discusses the features of parenting in adolescents and the correlation of these features with the development of respect for parents. The first part of the paper suggests considering respect for parents as an important component of the parent-child relationship; it shows the relevance of studying the respect; it stipulates the choice for the study of adolescence; it describes some concepts of respect and offers the author’s selecting two values of respect for parents. The research is relevant due to the insufficient number of empirical studies of respect for parents and practical demand. The research results of 218 adolescents aged 12 to 17 and 129 of their parents (N=347) are shown. The research is conducted using the author’s questionnaire “Respect for Parents”, ADOR technique, adolescent essays “My parents”, and the technique “Analysis of Family Relationships”. The results are processed using IBM SPSS Statistics version 20.

The Paper describes the research results adolescent respect for parents, adolescents’ perception of parents’ attitude to them, and features of family parenting. A significant correlation between the features of parenting and respect/disrespect for parents in adolescents are considered. Most adolescents have a feeling of respect for their parents and show respectful behaviour; in this regard, the features of family upbringing have a stronger influence on developing the feeling of respect for parents rather than a prescribed respectful behaviour. The paper lists specific characteristics of parenting, affecting the feelinge of respect for parents and respectful behaviour towards them.

Received: 01/17/2017
Accepted: 02/04/2017
Pages: 91-96
DOI: 10.11621/npj.2017.0111

Keywords: respect; respect for parents; child-parent relations; upbringing; adolescents;

Available Online 30.03.2017

Table 1. Descriptive statistics techniques ADOR / «Teenagers talking about parents"



Mean Value

Standard Divergence

Positive Interest




















Closeness Factor




Criticism Factor





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For citing this article:

Konovalova A.M., Zakharova E.I. (2017). Features of the parenting as obligatory conditions of developing respect for parents in adolescence. National Psychological Journal. 1, 91-96.