Lomonosov Psychology Journal
ISSN 0137-0936
eISSN 2309-9852
En Ru
ISSN 0137-0936
eISSN 2309-9852


Shuvalov Alexander V. (2015). Anthropological aspects of health psychology. National Psychological Journal. 4, 23-36.


The paper presents the results of a theoretical study carried out in the framework of the research project «Determinants of psychological health of the modern person». The issue of psychological health is considered in the context of the anthropological crisis that affects public body and causes a decrease in synergetic social life. On the level of specific manifestations, it is associated with damage to the spiritual and moral sphere, distortion of personal way of life and interpersonal relationships, which leads to a general decline in viability. A growing number of people, whose subjective state can be described as mentally fit, but personally sick is identified. Secondary symptoms of such conditions are depression, aggression, dependent behaviour. However, their essential characteristics are not captured by the existing social psychological, psychological pedagogical and medical psychological concepts and also do not fit the typical description of psychological emotional and/or behavioural disorders. The author adheres to the hypothesis that these states have specific spiritual and psychological conditions and symptoms that deserve scientific analysis and philosophical reflection.

The leitmotif of the paper is the issue of mental health in its scientific and philosophical sense. Representation of health from the standpoint of modern humanitarian knowledge and traditional spiritual culture are generalized. The theory of general psychological health is developed. The main approaches to the problem of psychological health are presented. Comparative analysis of the humanistic and anthropological models of mental health is shown. Correspondence between the anthropological conditions and criteria of mental health concepts of the modern national educational ideal is presented. Educational activity is described as anthropological practice aimed at acquiring by a child the wide range of values as a person. As such, it is the most conducive to maintaining and strengthening the psychological health of students.

Sections: Methods, Technologies, Tools;

Received: 02/25/2015
Accepted: 04/17/2015
Pages: 23-36
DOI: 10.11621/npj.2015.0403

Keywords: mental health; psychological anthropology; subjective reality; traditionalism; postmodernism; anthropological practice;

Available Online 31.12.2015

General Theme Attitudes

Mental Health Models



Methodological Attitudes





Universalization of Being

Basis of Mental Health

Personal development as an assertion of the self in acquiring the full functioning capacity

Spiritual growth as the overcoming of the self in the development of the ability to decentration, dedication and love

Maxim of Mental Health

The desire for self-identity:"To be oneself"

The desire for the fullness of human existence "to be above oneself"

The image of the norm

Originality and self-sufficiency

Self-transcendence and synergy

Development Deficiency

Diffuse identity, limited motivational semantic sphere (superficiality, earthiness) codependency, learned helplessness

Alienation of moral feelings, moral maturity (drained) or moral turpitude (disorientation of values), perversity, following in deeds and behaving according to the principle of "nothing is sacred"

Development Deformation

Corruption conceit ("Usefulness Complex "), the illusion of self-sufficiency, one-sidedness of the motivational-semantic sphere (self-centeredness), self-enclosed and self-confidence (arrogance)

The metaphysical intoxication, obsession with overvalued ideas and fanaticism, delusion and self-deception of spiritual perfection (spiritual beauty)

Attitudes of Psychological Assistance

Psychological assistance is based on the presumption of individual ethics and, therefore, is carried out, as it were, "beyond good and evil";

empathic listening, phenomenological penetration, facilitation of personal growth nondirective psychotherapeutic means;

supporting non-judgmental attitude: man must be taken for what it is.

Psychological assistance affects the spiritual and the spiritual nature of man and, therefore, correlates with the moral aspects of life, with the manifestations of the "problem of good and evil";

dialogical forms of contact, focused on awakening in the person of his "spiritual self";

dominance over the Other and participator's outsidedness: empathy and faith in man, combined with the desire for objectivity in relation to the negative manifestations of his character.

Ideological Orientations

Neopagan: the evolution of man as man-godhood (self­assertion and self-deification)

Patristic: the evolution of man as a God-man (self-transcendence and union with God)

Table 1. Mental Health Models

Fig. 1. The ratio of mental health models

Fig. 2. Value forms of pedagogical activity


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Shuvalov Alexander V. (2015). Anthropological aspects of health psychology. National Psychological Journal. 4, 23-36.