Lomonosov Psychology Journal
ISSN 0137-0936
eISSN 2309-9852
En Ru
ISSN 0137-0936
eISSN 2309-9852

Professional Identity and the Satisfaction with the Professional Activities as Factors of Well-Being in the Workplace

Background. The present paper discusses the relevance of identifying oneself with a professionalism, the attitude to the profession and the role in the professional activity as an integral characteristic of the professional identity among representatives of different positions.

Objective. The identification of the relationship between the professional identity and satisfaction with professional activities (work process, working conditions, organization, choice of profession, etc.) and well-being in the workplace among representatives of various positions.

Sample. 11 558 employees (7,373 women, 63.8%, and 4,175 men, 36.2%) of a large energy company in the Russian Federation.

Methods. The participants filled in the questionnaire on the components of job satisfaction, the scales of the work involvement, the boredom at the workplace, the emotional exhaustion and initiative.

Results. The representatives of different positions are most satisfied with the benefits of their work for people, with their choice of profession and the profession itself and the labour process but they are less satisfied with the working conditions, payment, management and professional prospect. As for representatives of all the positions, involvement in the work, a low level of boredom and emotional exhaustion and initiative depend on not only the satisfaction with working conditions, payment, management and the professional prospect but also on the satisfaction with the choice of profession, the profession itself, its content, the benefit to people and the labour process.

Conclusion. Regardless of the position and satisfaction with working conditions, the satisfaction with the choice of profession, its content and benefits for people and the labour itself predict the involvement in work, initiative, a low level of emotional exhaustion and the boredom at work.


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Recieved: 09/23/2022

Accepted: 11/11/2022

Published: 12/31/2022

Keywords: professional identity; satisfaction with the profession; initiative; well-being in the workplace; emotional exhaustion; boredom; disorientation; digital technologies; the Covid-19 pandemic

Available online since: 31.12.2022

Issue 4, 2022