Lomonosov Psychology Journal
ISSN 0137-0936
eISSN 2309-9852
En Ru
ISSN 0137-0936
eISSN 2309-9852

Methodological Foundations of the Psychology of Theatrical Activity

Background. The article reveals acting as an activity, the definition of the method of "psychophysical actions" in the context of mastering the acting role as a process of development of higher mental functions of actors.

Objective. This article attempts to offer a psychological interpretation of the technologies of acting presented in the works of K.S. Stanislavsky, as well as his followers V.O. Toporkov, M.A. Chekhov, E.B. Vakhtangov, V.E. Meyerhold, M.O. Knebel, etc. from the point of view of L.S. Vygotsky's cultural-historical approach, A.N. Leontiev's theory of activity, psychological theories of communication and personality.

Methods. The authors of the article analyze stage communication and personality development during the development of the role from the point of view of the basics of social psychology and personality psychology, and also reveal scientifically based psychological interpretations of the acting profession as a conscious continuous activity aimed at achieving the credibility and organic existence of an actor on stage.

Results. The results of the theoretical analysis allow us to identify the mediation of theatrical activity by psychological patterns and technologies of analysis of the proposed circumstances of the role in the profession of the artist.

Conclusion. As a conclusion, a reasoned position is given on the need for scientific study of acting using the methodology of psychological science in order to develop the most effective method for the development of the acting profession as a process of formation of higher mental functions and the choice of adequate psychophysical actions in the proposed circumstances of the role.


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Recieved: 09/02/2022

Accepted: 11/15/2022

Published: 12/31/2022

Keywords: cultural-historical approach; higher mental functions; development of higher mental functions; method of psychophysical actions; psychology of the acting profession

Available online since: 31.12.2022

Issue 4, 2022