Lomonosov Psychology Journal
ISSN 0137-0936
eISSN 2309-9852
En Ru
ISSN 0137-0936
eISSN 2309-9852

Social Success оf the Subject, Environment, Resources: Open Questions.

Background. Historically changing ideas about the social success of a person, its specificity for representatives of different social groups, the expansion of the number of criteria for describing this phenomenon are becoming a permanently relevant scientific and scientific-practical problem. Associated with it is the phenomenon of «resources», in the explanation of which there are many open questions.

Object of the study is to study the spatial characteristics of the conditions of the social micro- and mesoenvironment as potential resources for the social success of subjects.

Methods. Historical-theoretical analysis, empirical research (author's method — questionnaire «Dynamics of professional life style»), methods of parametric statistics.

Results. An analysis of the survey data of 482 men and women aged 30–50 years (132 civil servants, 129 engineers and heads of departments of industrial enterprises, 221 managers) showed that higher assessments of the subjective significance of environmental conditions as “professional factors” , updated as resources, and the largest number of intercorrelations (with r ≥ 0.300) took place in the sample of civil servants; smaller ones — engineers and heads of departments of industrial enterprises and in a sample of managers.

Conclusion. Different conditions of the social environment are not equally significant for all people (persons of different sex, age, working in different fields of activity, having different experience, etc.) in their positive and negative impact on various manifestations of a person's success. Differences in environmental conditions, reflected as the specificity of the correlation pleiades for each group, indicate a non-separate effect on the success of the subject. Both individual conditions and their combinations represent relatively stable, integral and closed spaces. The conditions of the parental family, one's family, formed by a person's activity in the spheres of his interpersonal relations, in their subjective perception and subjective significance for different people, act as different, isolated spaces.


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Recieved: 04/20/2022

Accepted: 09/20/2022

Published: 12/31/2022

Keywords: social success; position; length of service; factors; conditions; environment; space; resources

Available online since: 31.12.2022

Issue 4, 2022