Lomonosov Psychology Journal
ISSN 0137-0936
eISSN 2309-9852
En Ru
ISSN 0137-0936
eISSN 2309-9852

An individual-intellectual ground of students’ educational capital (based on the humanitarian specialties)

Actuality. In the light of the changes taking place in the Russian education system, the transition to the competence paradigm, the study of resources and potentials as components of the educational capital is of particular importance. This question has not yet been sufficiently investigated empirically.

Objective. To study the individual-intellectual integrations of students of humanities in 3 time periods: in the present, in the future, in the future as an updated present — both separately and together.

Methods. The research is based on the ideas of the cross-theoretical integration of the theory of integral individuality by V.S. Merlin (1986) and the structural-dynamic theory of intelligence by D.V. Ushakov (2011). The study involved 252 university students from Perm, including 190 girls and 62 boys aged 17 to 22 years. Structural modeling was in use to test the hypotheses. Four models tested individual-intellectual integrations based on the time criterion. In 3 models, they were studied separately in the present, in the future, and in the future as an updated present. In the 4th, mediation model of individual-intellectual integrations, the present, the future, and the future as the updated present entered together.

Results. Individual-intellectual integrations occurred in each time period separately. Results in the present led to the assumption that they reveal the resources, in the future as the background of realized potentials, in the future as an updated present as the source of updated resources. Taken together in all time periods, individual-intellectual integrations have also been found. They allowed to expand the idea of the “development spiral” based on the previous interpretation (Dorfman, Kalugin, 2020 a) and consider it according to the scheme “present — future — realized future (updated present)”.

Conclusions. The results of the study indicate that individual-intellectual integrations presented in three time periods (in the present, in the future, in the future as an updated present), both separately and jointly, evidence in favor of they are a basis of resources and potentials.

Acknowledgements: The reported study was funded by Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR), project number 19-29-07046.


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Recieved: 03/25/2021

Accepted: 04/20/2021

Published: 09/15/2021

Keywords: integral individuality; intelligence; individual-intellectual integration; resources; potentials; structural equation modeling

Available online since: 15.09.2021

Issue 3, 2021