Lomonosov Psychology Journal
ISSN 0137-0936
eISSN 2309-9852
En Ru
ISSN 0137-0936
eISSN 2309-9852

Recovery of consciousness: opportunities for neuropsychological assessment and rehabilitation

Relevance. Neuropsychological rehabilitation and assessment are the priority tasks in practice of a clinical psychologist. The modern rehabilitation system can be considered as a partnership between patients, their families and different specialists participating in the rehabilitation process. The existing approaches to neurorehabilitation are aimed at the earliest possible intervention. It`s of particular importance for patients with disorders of consciousness, whose number has been increasing in connection with the development of medicine in recent decades. This leads to the need to develop tools for specialized neuropsychological assessment and methods of neuropsychological rehabilitation of patients in the early stages of recovery of consciousness.

Objective. To summarize neuropsychological diagnostic and rehabilitation experience of working with patients with disorders of consciousness after brain lesions.

Methods. We analyze practical guidelines, applied research and our own hands-on experience of working with patients with disorders of consciousness after brain lesions.

Results. Based on the analysis, the recommended diagnostic tools are formulated that can be used to identify the current level of consciousness and to assess various parameters of psychic activity of patients with disorders of consciousness. In addition, the main directions and neuropsychological methods of rehabilitation work recommended for recovery of consciousness and continuing to be developed now are highlighted.

Conclusion. A new diagnostic and rehabilitation material is presented, which is recommended for use in neuropsychological practice by practicing clinical psychologists with patients with disorders of consciousness after brain lesions.

Acknowledgments: we would like to express our great appreciation to Professor Galina Ivanova, also Valentina Bykova and Olga Maksakova for comments that greatly improved the manuscript.


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Recieved: 04/26/2021

Accepted: 06/15/2021

Published: 09/15/2021

Keywords: clinical psychology; neuropsychology; disorders of consciousness; neuropsychological assessment; neuropsychological rehabilitation

Available online since: 15.09.2021

Issue 3, 2021