Lomonosov Psychology Journal
ISSN 0137-0936
eISSN 2309-9852
En Ru
ISSN 0137-0936
eISSN 2309-9852

Freedom: responsibility, negativism, care

Relevance and purpose. In the context of modern social life and its reflection by science, the phenomenon of freedom is one of the fundamental theoretical and practical problems. Understanding the true causes of the formation of an asocial personality, far from extreme science paradigms, is one of the pressing problems of modern psychology. The purpose of this article is to analyze and consider the issues of freedom and aggressive behavior of adolescents in the modes of responsibility, negativism and care.

Research methods. Theoretical analysis and synthesis of relevant literature.

Research results. Aspects of freedom in connection with external and internal restrictions are considered, constructive and destructive types of freedom are distinguished. The problem of differentiating the desire for freedom and the risks of negativism are noted, active negativity and passive negativity are described. Aspects of hostile attribution bias as structural-motivational element of deviant and delinquent behavior are revealed. Egalitarian and traditional concepts of parenting and their connection with the development of autonomous, independent personality are considered. The conditions in association with the values of freedom, independence and care act as predictors of the subjective feeling of happiness in adolescents are noted.

Conclusions. Freedom is a prerequisite condition for the development of responsibility, personality with an internal locus of control. Freedom should be coupled аwith responsibility, parental supervision and providing of freedom for a teen to make a significant contribution to the socialization of freedom and responsibility. The phenomenon of emancipation in adolescence can be associated with the risks of negativism as a form of aggression. High partial self esteem (leadership ability and self esteem of one's “physical self”) correlate with negativism. One of the essential mechanisms for the formation and functioning of negativism is the hostile attribution bias, the tendency to which is associated with high risks of delinquent behavior. Children from families with freedom parenting style are characterized by deprivation of care, they are more often less satisfied with “family” childhood. At the same time, controlling parents can also play a negative role, increasing the risks of aggression.


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Recieved: 03/01/2021

Accepted: 04/15/2021

Published: 09/15/2021

Keywords: freedom; negativism; responsibility; care; teen aggression; family; delinquent behavior

Available online since: 15.09.2021

Issue 3, 2021