Lomonosov Psychology Journal
ISSN 0137-0936
eISSN 2309-9852
En Ru
ISSN 0137-0936
eISSN 2309-9852

Psychological determinants of the development of reliability among employees of EMERCOM of Russia

Introduction. During the period of modern socio-economic reform, the requirements for the professional qualities of employees in all spheres of life are increasing. In this context, the professional qualities of specialists in extreme professions attract the attention of researchers in order to find answers to the in-demand requests coming from both practitioners and society (M.Sh. Magomed-Eminov, V.D. Nebylitsyn, V.V. Rybnikov, Yu.S. Shoigu, etc.). The study of the development of reliability as a personal and professional quality of employees at the Russian Emergencies Ministry remains a little-studied and urgent issue for psychological science.

The goal is to identify psychological determinants that contribute to/hinder the development of reliability of employees at the Russian Emergencies Ministry in the course of their professional activities.

Methods and sample. The sample consisted of 156 people (men, aged 20 to 45 years, active employees of fire and rescue units of the EMERCOM of Russia, in Moscow).

Research methods included expert assessments, a Mini-cartoon test, a 16-factor personality questionnaire by R. Kettell, Leary's Interpersonal Behavior Circle, a “Trust-distrust” technique (A.B. Kupreichenko), a “Subjective assessment of interpersonal relations” technique (S.V. Dukhnovsky).

Results and conclusions. Psychological determinants that contribute to/hinder the development of reliability of employees of the Emergencies Ministry of Russia, as well as personal characteristics of employees that negatively affect the content and mechanisms of reliability development were identified. As a result of the conducted research, we can draw a general conclusion that the socio-psychological training resulted in forming personal self-regulation skills in extreme conditions, ensuring psychological stability, stimulating activity, developing communication skills, team building, updating the resource potential of the individual, expanding models of constructive interaction. The development of motivation, goals, values of professional activity succeeded, as evidenced by qualitative, quantitative and statistical results.


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Recieved: 08/08/2021 09:14:35

Accepted: 09/24/2021

Published: 03/30/2022

Keywords: reliability; development; personal and professional qualities; employees of EMERCOM; research; psychology

Issue 1, 2022