Lomonosov Psychology Journal
ISSN 0137-0936
eISSN 2309-9852
En Ru
ISSN 0137-0936
eISSN 2309-9852

Paradoxes of subjective experiences of employees in the rationalization of the subject-spatial environment in stereotypical activities

Relevance.People are increasingly involved in mastering new types of work. It involves rebuilding the skills developed for a variety of occupations, both mental and motor. While the problem of forming new skills is sufficiently well-developed, the problem of their restructuring has attracted significantly less attention, although, judging by the experiences of participants, it sometimes leads to a slowdown, and in some cases to the rejection of innovation process.

The purpose of this study was to identify the causes of negative effects that female employees experienced when the spatial parameters of their workplaces were rationally changed.

Methods and sampling. The study was based on the analysis of the activities of 25 seamstresses (one team) in the familiar and the rationalized subject environment. It included two additional research methods:

1) vector-coordinate method of job evaluation; 2) graphic and verbal fixation of the dynamics of how the employees subjectively assessed their psychosomatic experiences in the process of changes.

Results. The rationalization of the spatial parameters of seamstresses’ workplaces was meant for optimizing their main working posturewithout affecting the semantic component of their activity. Nevertheless, it led to certain changes in their skill of performing stereotypical movements for grinding the parts of target production. This restructuring resulted in the appearance of long-term negative experiences of somatic discomfort (from 5 to 10 days) in the process of performing labor actions. But these experiences did not correspond to the experience of somatic comfort in the main working posture taken before starting work.

Conclusion. Despite the objective improvement of the psychosomatic state of female workers, the discrepancy in the experiences of psychosomatic state in statics and dynamics is naturally and well explained from the standpoint of the Bernstein model of movement construction. It is caused by the need to change the levels of motion control and the resulting need to restructure the previously established sensory synthesis. Such a result indicates the need for psychological support of the innovation process until the end of the negative experiences associated with it.


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Recieved: 03/01/2021

Accepted: 03/25/2021

Published: 06/30/2021

Keywords: workplace rationalization; stereotyped activity; working posture; skill; skill restructuring; somatic comfort

Available online since: 10.06.2021

Issue 2, 2021