Lomonosov Psychology Journal
ISSN 0137-0936
eISSN 2309-9852
En Ru
ISSN 0137-0936
eISSN 2309-9852

Possibilities of psychosemantic approach for the analysis of modern specialists’ professional activity

Relevance. The article analyzes the problems of modern researchers studying the "man - work" system from the standpoint of post-nonclassical models that develop the idea of "subjectivity" in the relationship between man and world. It is necessary to develop a methodological approach for an adequate noncontroversialdescription of the world of professionals. Such an approach should describe this system in a consistent way, allow for correlation of ideas about it with the reality itself and remove the limitations associated with the researcher’s abilities. 

Objective. The purpose of the paper is to discuss the possibilities of psychosemantic approach for studying professional activity on the example of two pieces of empirical research on the activities of medical workers employed by commercial and budgetary organizations and having to do with different contingents of patients.

Methods. In the studies conducted we used the survey methods "Integral Satisfaction with Work" (developed by V.A. Rozanova), “Professional Burnout” (N. E. Vodopyaynova, E.S. Starchenkova) and psychosemantic methods: semantic differential"My Work"; free associations; 10 unfinished sentences on the topic"My Work"; C. Osgood's 14-scale semantic differential modified by E.Yu. Artemyeva. 

Sample. The study involved 212 doctors with different career span, of which 66 people are employees of budget hospitals, 36 people work in commercial medical centers, 60 people are maternity hospital employees, and 50 people work in a hospice. 

Results. Semantic features such as “emotional tone of assessment”, “ratio of semantic coincidence between descriptions of different “types” of work object (in our case,“ Man” and“Patient”)”and “abstractness/concreteness of descriptions” reflect the conceptual characteristics of professional experience of doctors working in different organizations and with different contingents of patients. 

Conclusions. The psychosemantic approach to studying the "person - work" system, in which the activity approachof a person to the world is postulated, makes it possible to provide an adequate description of complex systems in a changing environment. The methods of psychosemantics, due to their "sensitivity" to shades of meaning of the words used by respondents, correspond to the idea of post-nonclassical models of mental determination, when external influences are mediated by the activity of a person and by the currentstructures of hisor hersubjective experience.


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Recieved: 02/10/2021

Accepted: 03/20/2021

Published: 06/30/2021

Keywords: psychosemantics; semantic differential; professional activity; doctors; burnout; hospice; maternity hospital

Available online since: 10.06.2021

Issue 2, 2021